Red Tent
Part the veils and step over the threshold into sacred space. The Red Tent, also known as a moonlodge, is where women gather apart from the day-to-day chores of the community to share and receive wisdom. In offering this space, we do not necessarily seek to recreate the traditions of other times/cultures, rather we seek to create space within our present reality to honor the sanctity of womon’s experience of menarche, menstruation, and menopause. All women, no matter where on their menstrual or life cycle are welcome!

Come dear ones…
who dance the threshold of childhood and wombmoonhood
who are beholden unto themselves.
Come dear ones…
who bleed without dying,
who feed and nourish the earth with your blood.
Come dear ones…
who feed and nourish the next generation with your power and creativity,
who hold your wise blood inside and teach peace and truth.
Come dear ones…
Honor your cycles, honor wombspace,
Join us in the Red Tent!
Nikki Dugas - Red Tent Keeper
Nikki is a mama of 3, a wife, a pursuer of spirit, and an entrepreneur. She has a strong interest in herbs, and natural healing and living.
Nikki calls herself an enthusiast, an optimist who tries not to judge, but instead to believe in the path of every human spirit. After her own journey in naturally healing an autoimmune condition, she was opened up to the largely unknown ability of the earth and our bodies to heal themselves. This led Nikki to pursue shamanism, herbalism, and earth-based spiritual practices.
Nikki loves to research energy medicine, ancient texts, and esoteric mystery-school beliefs. Supporting and holding strong relationships with women is something she has always done. She loves circling with women and feeling that deep inside we are all the Mother, constantly creating, cultivating, and holding our creations to their fullest potentials.