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Join Astrid Grove, original founder of Red Earth and mentor in The Wise Woman Sisterhood apprenticeship;  as she sings, dances and guides you into deeper relationship with yourself, your Red Earth sisters, and the earth.  Join her as you ground into the weekend on Friday evening in the Opening Ceremony, during the Women’s Initiation Ceremony mid-day on Sunday and in the Closing Ceremony on Sunday afternoon.

Please be sure to bring a sunhat (and a chair if you need one) with you to the ceremony space. We also welcome you to bring any ceremonial items you wish to have with you, like hand drums and rattles.  It is fun and powerful to dress up for the ceremony as well!


The Ancestor Altar is always a part of our circle too, so please feel free to bring temporary items to the ancestor altar to be charged during our ceremonies and our time together on the land.

Did you ever wish you had a wise woman to teach you?

Are you inspired to learn the plants that grow around you and how to use them for food and medicine? Do you feel drawn to remember the ceremonies of earth-based spirituality honoring the earth and her seasons? Are you yearning to live connected to the rhythm of the monthly moon cycles, your menstrual cycle (or later stages of a woman’s life) and the seasons of the earth in your daily eating, activities and inner awakening? Are you called to do this and so much more within a group of women doing the same? The Wise Woman Sisterhood is here to mentor you on your wise woman path.


Astrid Grove and Leela Parker are your mentors in The Wise Woman Sisterhood Apprenticeship. 

For more information on the 12 month hybrid apprenticeship, go to
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