Wendy Kaas

Wendy Kaas, MDiv, is a ritual leader, energy worker, educator, drummer, griever, and land-listener. Steeped in the teachings of the Dagara lineage, Wendy connects with the spiritual heart of the natural world and helps people of all ages to do the same. She is devoted to ancestral healing and working with the spirits of the land. She has been on the path to support people in their grief through ritual for over a decade.
Deeply informed by the wisdom of the plants, she is dedicated to the healing alchemy that occurs in the emotional and energetic realms. She is a Reiki master, a graduate of Naropa's Buddhist Divinity program, and has earned a certificate in Grief and Death Studies from the Center for Loss and Life Transitions. She spent 13 years under the guidance of Elder Malidoma Some, and has been initiated in the Dagara lineage.
Wendy is so grateful for edible flowers, and for the healing gifts of her teachers, the ancestors, and the elements. Learn more about Wendy: www.elfowlhealingarts.com
Journey into Grief, Supported by our Plant Allies: 1.5 hr, Adults, All Levels
This will be an experiential ritual. We will sit in circle, connect to plants who offer grief support (mullein, violet, hawthorn, etc), engage in a sacred council to hear one another's grief, and then co-create a ritual space. We will engage in an active ritual, where active grieving is supported, held, and encouraged. As a facilitator, I trained for over 10 years with Elder Malidoma Some to prepare to work ritually with grief.
Meet the Plants Spirits: 45 minutes, Girls Grove
Girls will get a teaching about the magical world of plant spirits, will learn about offerings, and will then be guided to meet a plant spirit accompanied by a drumbeat.
Into the Faery Realm: Meet the Plant Spirits: 30 minutes, Kids
Children will learn about how the plant spirits and the faeries are intimately connected. They will learn all about how to approach them in a good way, and be guided into an experience with a plant spirit.