Mary Lou Singleton

Mary Lou Singleton is a mother, grandmother, radical midwife, and lover of the green world. She practiced as a homebirth midwife for over over 25 years.
Mary Lou now provides primary health care as a nurse practitioner to families seeking wise woman care. Her independent clinic, Enchanted Family Medicine, offers community herbal classes, an extensive herbal apothecary, and a resource center for the women of Albuquerque to build collective sisterhood and support.
Wise Women Walkabout: 1.5 hour, Adults, All Levels
Blessed are the plants that live by the Crystal River under the watch of Mount Sopris. And blessed are we to spend this time with them. Let’s take a heart-centered walk greeting and listening to the plant spirits of this sacred place.
Herbal Urgent Care: 1.5 hour, Adults, All Levels
Mary Lou will share knowlege gathered from 15 years of urgent care experience with the goal of keeping you and your loved ones healthy and out of the urgent care. We will learn to evaluate and herbally treat the most common ailments seen in the urgent care setting: sore throats, fevers, coughs, wheezing, wounds and joint injuries.
Pediatric Herbalism: 1.5 hour, Adults, All Levels
Resist the medicalization of childhood by learning how to care for the little people in your life with herbs. Get to know a broad range of healing plants that can serve as a materia medica for childhood. Discover how to safely treat everything from head colds to head lice with herbal remedies. This class is designed to empower parents wishing to be more self-sufficient in their families' health care, as well as herbalists and other health care providers interested in treating children with herbs.
Marvelous Mints: 30 minutes, Kids
Come learn about the friendliest family in the plant kingdom, the mints! Easy to grow, easy to propagate, easy to identify, the mint family loves humanity. Many of our favorite herbal allies are mints. Let's celebrate our square-stemmed friends and the amazing medicine they offer.
The Wise Woman Panel: 1 hour