Kallie Mae Hyer

With a background in Psychology, and a passion for human development, Kallie was drawn to connect with plants when she realized that her relationship with botanical beings had provided her with her personal resilience. Kallie manages educational and therapeutic garden spaces, and specializes in fostering connection with our companions both inside and outside the human realm.
Seed Saving, an Act of Rebellion: 1.5 hr, Adults, All Levels
When we learn to save our own seeds, we become empowered to grow our own food and medicine in collaboration with mother gaia. Seed saving is an act of sovereignty and an act of connection. In this class we will cover how to identify mature seed, when to collect seed, how to cure it, threshing and winnowing techniques, and seed storage. Take back the freedom that seeds share and marvel in their exponential growth opportunity. Work in collaboration with our plant allies to spread their alchemical power.
Plant Spirit Medicine Journey: 1.5 hr, Adults, All Levels
Flicker your green tongue. Communicating directly with plant spirit is an ability we can all access. Drumbeat in the sacred circle helps us enter a space where we may drop in and receive messages from our plant allies. During this class we will allow the drum to accompany us as we sit with local plant allies, connect, and commune with their spirits in the quantum realm.
Seed Savers We Are: 45 minutes, Girls Grove
Listen to the story of our seed saving ancestors and travel in your imagination to your own magic seed. Create a drawing of your own extraordinary seed bearing plant. Hands on seed saving activity, we will learn about and participate in the process of threshing and winnowing. Each child will leave with some seeds to spread out into the world.
Seed Cycle Science: 30 minutes, Kids
Seed dissection and embodiment. Explore sprouting seeds with a magnifying glass and observe its parts. Act out the cycle of plant growth cycle. This class will foster scientific discovery and movement!